We Get You Back On The Road.
Volvo Certified Uptime Dealers
Volvo Certified Uptime Dealers
To be recognized as a Certified Uptime Dealer, dealers must implement numerous modifications to their service processes. Every Certified Uptime Dealer guarantees high-quality standards and processes, updated shop layouts featuring fast lane Uptime Bays for repairs that take less than 4 labor hours, and integrated communication capabilities for faster diagnostics and seamless repair process management.
Upon arrival, your service advisor will perform a walk-around and access your vehicle's data. Communication begins here and continues until your truck is back in service. A code read and ASIST are integrated to speed up check-in and inspection.

Initial Diagnostics
Initial diagnostics are completed within 2 hours of arrival, so you can start making decisions about your truck, your driver, and your load early in the repair process.

Uptime Bay
If the initial diagnostics process indicates a quick repair with less than 4 hours of labor, your truck stays in the Uptime Bay for service. ASIST is utilized to manage the timeline and all communications, including status alerts and approvals.

Advanced Diagnostics
If your truck needs more than 45 minutes of diagnostics time, it will transition to the advanced diagnostics area. This ensures that longer diagnostics do not back up the Uptime Bay.

Advanced Bay
Trucks with repairs that require more than 4 hours of labor move to the Advanced Bay, to avoid delaying shorter repair jobs. ASIST is utilized to manage the timeline and all communication here as well.

• Drive-in service, with no appointment needed
• Improved uptime
• Enhanced and consistent service experience
• Increased satisfaction
• Improved communication about the repair
• Faster decision-making