Order Parts online. keep moving.
You need to keep moving to keep your business moving. That's why Volvo offers access to PartsASIST, the revolutionary new way to order parts online. Get the parts you need so you can focus on what matters — keeping your customers satisfied. Please note that our dealer network is in a phased rollout throughout 2021. As we onboard our Volvo dealers we will introduce the ability to request access to PartsASIST with the Volvo dealership of your choice. This functionality will be enabled in the coming months.

Why wait when you can go to the front of the line? The Virtual Parts Counter eliminates hold time. Once you log in and begin building your parts order, get these benefits:
- A suite of solutions to help you identify the parts you need
- Real-time inventory, so you know what’s in stock
- Multiple part number variations, so it’s easy for PartsASIST to determine what’s in supply
We make it easy for you to find the parts you need. Check out our integrated catalogs and advanced search options. Search options include:
- Search by catalog, using both our Genuine Catalog and All-Makes Catalog forany make and model truck
- Search by VIN number to browse product groups and find an original part in just seconds
- Quick search using the information you have, such as part number, description. VMRS code or partial part number

Just focusing on one specific vehicle? We provide a way to view only relevant parts, using MyFleet, a customized fleet management tool. Benefits include:
- A unique UserlD, which is matched to the VINs that you own
- The option to mark favorites, so only the trucks that matter to you are featured
- The ability to add or save unit numbers, so you can quickly find your specific truck that needs parts
- More accuracy with details about parts and when you can expect to receive them
Volvo simplifies your purchases by allowing you to create lists and save your order history for easy re-ordering. Benefits include:
- Saved orders, which allow you to create and name custom orders for items you buy frequently
- Order history, which keeps a record of your past orders that you can duplicate for quick re-ordering

Looking for more information?
Visit the PartsASIST website for video tutorials, FAQs, contact information, and more. Click here if you're looking for SELECT Part Store information.